Data specifications and definitions

Number of records:47,625
Last updated:
Update frequency:Quarterly (January, April, July and October)
Geographic coverage:Republic of Ireland
Data formats:CSV, SQL, XLS
Language:en-IE, ga
Character encoding:UTF-8
Supply:Direct online download (8.3MB zip file)

Field formats

ID35382INTEGERA unique integer identifier for the record.
NameMartinstownTEXT(41)The official English-language name of the location. Please see the naming conventions for more information.
Irish nameBaile MháirtínTEXT(46)The official Irish-language name of the location. Please see the naming conventions for more information.
CountyLimerickTEXT(9)The name of the "traditional" county (as defined by Ordnance Survey Ireland) that the centre point of the location falls in.
CountryRepublic of IrelandTEXT(19)The name of the country that the centre point of the location falls in. At the current time this is always the "Republic of Ireland".
EircodeV35TEXT(3)The primary Eircode routing key used for addresses in the location.
Grid referenceR674273TEXT(7)The grid reference for the centre point of the location. All grid references use the TM75 Irish Grid.
Easting167436INTEGERThe easting coordinate for the centre point of the location. All easting coordinates use the TM75 Irish Grid.
Northing127320INTEGERThe northing coordinate for the centre point of the location. All northing coordinates use the TM75 Irish Grid.
Latitude52.39689NUMERIC(8,5)The WGS83 latitude coordinate for the centre point of the location.
Longitude-8.47912NUMERIC(8,5)The WGS83 longitude coordinate for the centre point of the location.
Postal townKilmallockTEXT(21)The principal postal town area that the centre point of the location falls in.
Local government areaLimerick City and
County Council
TEXT(37)The local government area (i.e. City or County Council) that the centre point of the location falls in.
ProvinceMunsterTEXT(8)The historic province that the centre point of the location falls in.
NUTS3 regionMid-WestTEXT(10)The third-level NUTS region that the centre point of the location falls in.
TypeTown/VillageTEXT(12)Indicates the type of location: City, Town/Village or Townland.

Naming conventions

All names in the data follow a consistent naming convention. Specifically: